Jaime León González

Jaime León González

Doctoral Student

School of Business, Economics and Society
Chair of International Business, Society and Sustainability

Room: Raum FG. 1.044
Findelgasse 7-9
90402 Nürnberg

Jaime León is a doctoral researcher and teaching associate at the Chair of International Business, Society, and Sustainability. His research focuses on German energy foreign policy, particularly the Energiewende, and the supply of essential resources such as green hydrogen and lithium from Latin America. He approaches these topics from socio-economic and environmental perspectives, as well as the development of international standards.


León González, J. & Aguirre, J.C. (2023).  Alemania y el triángulo del litio: entre la diplomacia comercial y la difusión normativa. Si Somos Americanos. Revista de Estudios Transfronterizos, 23, 1-28.  DOI: 10.4067/s0719-09482023000100211

León González, J.  (2023). América Latina y el Caribe en la política exterior alemana. (S. 89 – 108). In Gardini, G.L. (ed.). 2023. Learning and Teaching EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations. An open educational resource. Erlangen: FAU University Press. DOI: 10.25593/978-3-96147-672-5

León González, J. (2023). Bilateral relations between Germany and Latin America through energy partnerships from a normative approach. In Gardini, G., L. (2023). The Redefinition of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Berlin, Deutschland: Peter Lang Verlag DOI: 10.3726/b21282


Conference presentations

León González, J. (2023): “Germany’s foreign policy towards Latin America”. The Redefinition of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Italy. (28.03.2023)

León González, J. (2022): “Relaciones bilaterales entre Alemania y América Latina a través de las alianzas energéticas“. IX Congreso de Estudios Europeos. European Community Studies Association Chile. Universidad de Concepción – Chile. (23.11.2022)

León González, J. & Aguirre, J.C. (2022): “Germany and the Lithium Triangle: between commercial diplomacy and normative diffusion on environmental protection”. NAMA 2022. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. (06.10.2022)

León González, J. (2022): “Alemania y América Latina: relaciones tiempos de reorganización global y fragmentación regional” Lateinamerika – Politik und Gesellschaft. Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing. (11.07.2022)

León González, J. (2022): “La política exterior alemana hacia la región latinoamericana”. The Reconfiguration of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. (28.06.2022)



Jean Monnet Project “The reconfiguration of the EU presence in Latin America (EUinLAC)

The Jean Monnet Project “The Reconfiguration of the EU presence in Latin America and the Caribbean (EUinLAC)” analyses EU-LAC relations in a challenging and fast-changing global scenario. This includes COVID-19, BREXIT, a new EU Commission and a new US administration, the rise of China and other emerging powers, and the role of Germany. The project responds to three needs:

  • to boost teaching on the EU and its values against rising skepticism.
  • to raise awareness of the EU actual presence and action in Latin America.
  • to strengthen links between European and LAC civil societies, including expat communities.

The truly interdisciplinary and international team will address two crucial aspects of EU-LAC relations:

  • the role and foreign policy of key actors in the EU and LAC with the capacity of driving biregional relations, and
  • topical and innovative issues on the bi-continental agenda for a greener, more inclusive and prosperous future.

Project start: Oct. 2020

End of Project: Sep. 2023

Role: academic staff



Internationale Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert: Wo steht Lateinamerika in der Weltpolitik? / Desarrollos internacionales en el siglo XXI: ¿Dónde se encuentra América Latina en la política mundial?

Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft in Lateinamerika / Economía, política y sociedad en América Latina